Except for PdfRenderer, which is under a different license due to its use of (A)GPL components, all of the plugins in this edition are released under the Freedom license (for v3) or the Apache license for v4.
Everything here can be found in the free download.
Logging, MvcRoutingShim, and PdfRenderer are separate DLLs (due to extra dependencies), but all the rest are found in ImageResizer.dll
in the ImageResizer.Plugins.Basic
- Diagnostics plugin - (default) - Whenever you have an issue, go to localhost/resizer.debug and you'll probably be told what is wrong.
- DefaultSettings plugin - Allows you to configure the default setting values when commands (like `scale`) are omitted.
- Image404 plugin - Supply default images instead of a 404 when an image is missing.
- FolderResizeSyntax plugin - Resize images without using the query string.
- PdfiumRenderer plugin - Render PDFs to images
- PdfRenderer (New in V3.1.3) - Render PDFs to images dynamically, then crop or process them as an image.
- DiagnosticJson plugin -
- VirtualFolder plugin - Create an IIS-like virtual folder that works in Cassini as well as IIS, and doesn't require IIS configuration.
- Custom Overlay plugin -
- SizeLimiting plugin - (default)- Limit maximum resolution of photos, or the total size of all processed images.
- ImageHandlerSyntax plugin - Migrate websites from other image resizing handlers without breaking any URLs.
- Presets plugin - Created named settings groups and reference them with ?preset=name instead of specifying them all in the URL.
- DefaultEncoder - (default) Adjustable jpeg compression, 24-bit PNG with transparency support, and standard (poor) .NET GIF encoding.
- MvcRoutingShim plugin - Prevent System.Routing from taking over the ImageResizer's requests.
- Drop Shadow plugin - Adds drop-shadow feature (shadowOffset, shadowWidth, shadowColor).
- ClientCache plugin - (default) - Sets Cache-control, Expires, and Last-modified headers for optimum performance.
- IEPngFix plugin - Automatically serve GIF versions of PNG files to IE6 and below clients. Opt-in or opt-out, very configurable.
- TinyCache plugin -
- Gradient plugin - Create gradients from css, js, or html: /gradient.png?color1=FFFFFFAA&color2=BBBBBB99&width=10&width=10&rotate=90.
- AutoRotate plugin (deprecated, built-in) - Use the EXIF rotation data from the camera to auto-rotate your images.
- SpeedOrQuality - Gain a 15-30% speed boost by sacrificing rendering quality.