11 bug fixes (reliability improvements in WicBuilder, Watermark, WhitespaceTrimmer, SqlReader), heavy refactoring, 5 new draft plugins
5 new free plugins, 6 new bundle plugins, 5 rewritten plugins, and innumerable bug fixes
6 bug fixes, raw support, and 1 breaking change (renaming the FriendlyUrls plugin)
Changes since alpha 9 (Jun 8) Bug fixes Fixed bug in ImageBuilder.Build() - ArgumentException if Build() is called twice on the same HttpPostedFile instance (due to stream being disposed). LoadImage() no longer disposes the HttpPostedFile instance, and even restores the position of the stream afterwards.
4 core bug fixes, 2 new sample projects, and the important fixes to the DiskCache, SqlReader, and AnimatedGifs plugins
3 stability fixes, jCrop support, COM support, better diagnostics.
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