Resizer 3.1.4 - Jan 22 2012

Download source, binaries, plugins, and sample code (15MB) or Download core binary only (170K)

Read the release notes for v3.1 and V3.1.3 if you're upgrading from 3.0.X. V3.1 included major changes to all plugins and the core, and included a long list of bug fixes. It also introduced 11 new plugins and 5 rewritten ones. V3.1.3 introduced 2 new plugins and a new path syntax.

This release adds minor new features and fixes some minor bugs.

Major bug fixes

  • The setter for the ResizeSettings.Height property works again (it was broken in 3.1.3 due to a typo made while adding the w/h syntax).
  • ImageBuilder now throws a FileNotFoundException instead of a NullReferenceException when a ASP.NET virtual path like "~/file.png" doesn't exist.

Minor new features

  • Added ImageJob.CreateDir() alias - a chainable way to set CreateParentDirectory to true.
  • Added /resizer.debug warning when running under IIS7 classic mode instead of integrated mode.

Minor bug fixes

  • Now compiles under Visual Studio 11 preview
  • Better error messages for empty or read-to-end streams from a (I)VirtualFile or HttpPostedFile source value.
  • ImageBuilder.Build, LoadImage, and GetStreamFromSource now throw an ArgumentNullException if parameter 'source' is null.

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